Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sugar Detox and attempting Paleo/Primal

I have been in a love affair with carbs my whole life, thanks to my mother's baking.  I am over it. Over.It.

I did a sugar detox during lent this year and it was only hard the first few days. I felt great the whole time and even lost 5 pounds.  Then on Easter I ate about a pound of it.  I am great at avoiding foods when I have a purpose. Pregnancy, upset tummy, heart burn, etc.  But obviously staying healthy hasn't been important enough. Until now.

I really want to get healthy, get pregnant, and have a VBAC.  But mostly I want to be healthy, which will give me the best shot at the other two. Notice I didn't say I want to lose weight.  I have said it, lost it, and gained it back many times.  I want to be HEALTHY!

So sugar detox is back on and I'm going to attempt the Primal Diet as best as I can. The primal diet is pretty interesting.  Essentially, no refined sugar, grains, processed foods.  Just foods that our ancestors lived on when they were hunter/gatherers.  My friend Emily and her family eat this way and it just seems better. Although right now she has cut out dairy which means she is eating a more Paleo style diet.

I started tonight after dinner with an awesome snack. I'm not following it super strictly but close enough to know it will make a difference. I made strawberry banana frozen yogurt and it was delish!  I used frozen fruit which is usually a no-no but I froze it myself.  I also used pasteurized yogurt and honey which the diet prefers you to eat raw.

Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt (Primal Style)

2 frozen bananas (peeled and cut into chunks)
1 cup frozen strawberries (cut in half)
1 cup plain whole milk yogurt
2 tablespoons honey

Add the frozen fruit to a blender or food processor with a little bit of water to get it moving.  Blend until smooth.  Add yogurt and honey, blend until incorporated. Enjoy! Makes enough for sharing with a husband and son.

I am hoping to keep this up for the next few weeks so I can see how it works for me. If I get the results I'm after I'll start working on my Husband!  Wish me luck.
